Kate's Give Miami Day Fundraiser for RAA

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Refugee Assistance Alliance
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As conflicts destroy lives worldwide, supporting your refugee neighbors matters now more than ever.

3 donors

raised $350

15 donor goal

     I first learned of Refugee Assistance Alliance (RAA) when I moved to South Florida in 2019. At the time, RAA was the only organization in the greater Miami-Dade/Broward area serving at risk refugees, primarily from the Middle East and North Africa. 

     Soon, I was tutoring a single mom and her two 8-year-old twins who had fled Palestine as refugees. We met weekly for over a year sharing conversations, laughter, and lots of cardamon-infused coffee. 

     I joined RAA's team as Administrative Assistant in 2020 and later as Communications Coordinator and have grown with the team ever since. As I embark into a new season personally and professionally and conclude my time on staff, I can think of no better show of support than giving financially to RAA as they support more families than ever before and grow as a nonprofit. 

     Caleb and I have been monthly donors to RAA since 2020 and we invite you to join us through a one-time donation between November 13-16 for Give Miami Day. Would you give to RAA and support their grassroots efforts promoting belonging and the long welcome of refugees in South Florida? 

     In a time where conflict abounds worldwide and destroys the lives of millions, a gift to RAA is a tangible way to welcome your newest neighbors. Give today and support RAA!

This fundraiser supports

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Refugee Assistance Alliance

Organized By Katherine Upton

Giving Activity