Bree's Free Plastic Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Free Plastic
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Free Plastic recycles ocean plastic to create art and educate the public about marine debris.

7 donors

raised $600

25 donor goal

I have been working with Free Plastic over the last few years on their Scientific Advisory Board as the Fisheries & Trash Scientist. I love this organization because it combines my love of marine debris with recycling it and helping get trash already in the oceans off of our South Florida beaches. The poetry, coffee tables, and key chains that we make are amazing products that are long lasting and beautiful. I've been in love with the concept of Free Plastic since I first learned about it in 2019. 

Your support will help us create new products from ocean plastic; educate our community about the realities of plastic recycling and single-use plastics; continue our monthly cleanups that service public spaces throughout South Florida; and to continue building out a network of artists, builders, and makers to continuously develop innovative ways to collect plastic pollution from our local environment and transform it into new reusable, recyclable, and long-lasting products.

You can learn more at!

This fundraiser supports

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Free Plastic

Organized By Briana R Gibbs

Giving Activity