JBBF Foundation Kidney Awareness Fundraiser
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Rev James and Betty Bush Family Foundation IncA fundraiser raising awareness for kidney disease honoring Michael Haggard, Esq. and Dalvyn Anthony.
raised by 0 people
$150,000 goal
In honor of Miami-Dade County attorney Michael Haggard who received a life-saving kidney transplant and nineteen (19) year old, Dalvyn Anthony who passed away as an organ donor, having his kidneys save the life of a Central Florida wife and mother.
With this fundraiser we wish to help advance research for kidney disease while supporting families facing difficult moments in life. One hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars of the funds raised will support research and/or patients and their families in need of financial support. This fundraiser is intended to be an annual event held each March to raise awareness for National Kidney Disease month.
We thank you in advance for trusting our organization with your fiscal contribution and believing in the vision we have set forth in honor of these remarkable honorees!