Miami Rescue Mission Clinic Supporter

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Miami Rescue Mission Clinic

Providing healthcare for anyone in need. Anything can help spur the MRMC forward, even $1 can help.


raised by 1 people

$500 goal

The Miami Rescue Mission Clinic, from the moment I walked through the clinic's doors, I was met with a warm welcome that made me feel at home. The patients who walked through those doors came from diverse backgrounds, most hailing from shelters across the street or underserved communities. Engaging with these patients who are underprivileged, I started to learn about their stories and struggles. These small encounters taught me a profound truth: anyone, regardless of their past or circumstances, could find themselves in the same predicament. It often took just one unfortunate turn of events, whether it was losing a job, or uprooting their lives to start anew in a different state. 

Addiction was a rare reason for their presence; it was usually a chain of unfortunate events that led them to the clinic. One of the remarkable individuals I had the privilege of meeting Mr. D. He had come to the clinic seeking relief from chronic headaches. When asked about the last time he had seen a healthcare provider, his response was, "I don't remember." And his story was not unlike many others. Despite the uncertainty and discomfort in his life, Mr. D displayed remarkable kindness and a willingness to be seen by students from various branches of medicine, including medical and physician assistant students.

During his vital signs check, which included taking his temperature, height, weight, and blood pressure, a discovery was made. His blood pressure read a dangerously high 198/110. It was a moment of concern, but Mr. D was unphased. He answered every question, no matter how personal, in a room filled with students. His honesty and resilience throughout the physical exam left an indelible impression. He has a contagious smile that nothing could extinguish.

When the healthcare provider entered to evaluate him, I learned that patients like Mr. D could receive care at the clinic for free. Unfortunately, due to the severity of his high blood pressure, he was sent to the emergency room after two unsuccessful treatments with clonidine. Despite the setback, I followed up with him after his stabilization at Jackson Memorial Hospital. To my delight, he still wore that infectious smile and maintained an unbreakable spirit.

We provided him with the maintenance medications that are donated to us from different organizations to manage different chronic disease such as diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure at no cost to him or any patient. Nearly two years have passed since that initial encounter, and now we play basketball together every Wednesday. Mr. D is still in high spirits, reminding him to take his medications and working hard to ensure he stays in good health. But in the end, I've found something more valuable - a friend who has touched my heart and taught me the true meaning of resilience and the unbreakable human spirit. The Miami Rescue Mission Clinic is not just a place of healing; it's a place where lives can be transformed, reminding us of all the beauty that can emerge from even the darkest of circumstances.

This fundraiser supports

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Miami Rescue Mission Clinic

Organized By Kevin Perez

Giving Activity