$10 Bucks for Local News
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Miami Fourth EstateGet our tiny local nonprofit newsroom over the top before 12/31 and your gift is doubled!
6 donors
raised $120
200 donor goal
JUST $10...for nonprofit, factual news at the local level.
Even small contributions mean so much -- can you help us with our mission of fact-based, hyper-local nonprofit news?
Just Ten Bucks will mean so much
If you act before 12/31, your donation is doubled!
Real local news has disappeared in most of America. Won't you kick us $10?
We’re pleased to have delivered another year of high-impact reporting in the Miami area and proud of the awards and recognition our staff and paper has received. And, we’re are thrilled to have been able to expand into Liberty City with the Liberty City Independent, with support from Report For America, a national journalism program
We're also a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News, a group of more than 400 newsrooms across the USA rebuilding journalism with a new, non-corporate model. Your gifts are matched via INN's NewsMatch program.
Miami Fourth Estate believes every village and town should have access to professional news coverage about locally important issues. We do that by leveraging volunteer time and hiring professionals who work alongside concerned residents to create nonpartisan, fact-driven, solid news reporting focusing on local issues critical to residents: local government, elections, development, schools, crime, environment, and the arts and culture.
There’s lots of national news and talking heads. But the local news gap is the one that’s the most critical.
Your gift matters. Keep real reporting alive.
Tony Winton, Editor in Chief
and the small but mighty staff of