Laura VG - Raising $ for Junior League of Miami

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Junior League of Miami, Inc.
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Donate to Junior League of Miami to support our mission and impact in the Miami community!


raised by 18 people

$2,500 goal

As the Immediate Past President of the Junior League, I've experienced first-hand the incredible impact this all-volunteer women's organization has in our community.  The mission of the Junior League is to advance women's leadership for meaningful community impact, through volunteer action, collaboration and training.

We use the funds raised on GMD and throughout the year to identify unmet needs in our community and improve the lives of women and children at risk. We focus on addressing  food insecurity, domestic violence, literacy, homelessness and other issues affecting our most vulnerable neighbors.  

The Junior League has been driving positive change in the Miami community since 1926, and our model provides leadership training and community involvement opportunities to empower women to lead.  

Your donations help us fund our current projects, which are run by our volunteer members:

  1. Free Farmers Markets in Miami Food Deserts and Underserved Neighborhoods: In partnership with Food Rescue, our volunteers transfer excess fresh food from grocers, restaurants, and other sources to provide monthly free farmers markets in neighborhoods such as Little Haiti, Allapattah, Liberty City, Overtown and Little Havana. 
  2. Inn Transition: In partnership with Miami Dade County, Junior League helped plan, develop and build a transitional housing facility for women and children that are survivors of domestic violence.  For more than 30 years, JLM has provided life skills programming, support and family fun days to support the families living at INN Transition. 
  3. Miami Diaper Bank: JLM partners with the Miami Diaper Bank by hosting a donation box at our headquarters in Coral Gables, volunteering at the diaper bank, and delivering diapers and wipes to other partner organizations, like INN Transition.
  4. Done in a Day: JLM provides trained volunteers to area organizations to help with one-day events within the League's focus areas.

Thank you for your support of the Junior League! We welcome you to join us at one of our events this year to witness firsthand the impact of our organization. 

This fundraiser supports

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Junior League of Miami, Inc.

Organized By Laura Van Gorden

Giving Activity