Citizen Science Project

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Key Biscayne Community Foundation
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Our mission is to have citizens work with scientists to protect and study our natural resources.


raised by 12 people

$10,000 goal

The Key Biscayne Citizen Science Project, a branch of the Key Biscayne Community Foundation, works with regular people and professional scientists to protect our natural resources, educate the public about environmental issues, teach civic engagement, and provide hands-on opportunities to protect the local ecosystems.

Your contribution will help fund our many activities, including new initiatives:

  1. Monthly Lectures - We invite local scientists and experts to give lectures to the general public about various science and environment related topics such as sea turtles, crocodiles, hurricanes, water quality, sea level rise, and much more.
  2. Mangrove Cleanups - In 2022, we began an annual mangrove cleanup program. Mangroves tend to be difficult to access areas that are prone to collecting a great deal of trash and pollution, and we aim to keep them pristine.
  3. The Key Challenge - For 10 years, we have held this annual science fair for all the schools on the Key, including MAST Academy. A few years ago, we also included an At-Home application that allows for kids who go to school off the Key or are home schooled to also enter the contest. This includes prizes and recognition for the winners.
  4. Beach Cleanups - A few times a year we schedule beach cleanups for students or other groups to help keep Key Biscayne an island paradise.
  5. #PlasticFreeKB - This is a new initiative that was started this year, based on the Plastic Free 305 initiative. We train high school aged interns to speak to businesses on the Key to join our movement and stop using single-use plastic items. Our interns give them information on alternatives and ideas for being a more sustainable business.
  6. We also have events such as fishing clinics, bird walks, invasive plant removal, and more . . .

All of our outstanding programming is always free to the public and inclusive of everyone.

Check out our recent interview on Key Biscayne Stories Podcast!

Giving Activity