Organization name
Open Door Health Center, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
151NW 11 St. Suite E202A PO Box 901642Homestead, FL 33030
$7,125 raised by 22 donors
59% complete
$12,000 Goal
Opened in 2001 as an LLC and incorporated in 2004, ODHC is a free clinic for the uninsured poor (income under 200% of Federal Poverty Level-FPL) using collaborative community partnerships to promote/support its mission. Its goal is to provide quality comprehensive primary health care, special health education/chronic disease self-management programs and referrals in a welcoming environment engendering trust. ODHC provides: 1) free primary care; 2) special health education/chronic disease management tailored to its patient population; 3) Health screenings and disease specific care including women & Children's Health and 4) referrals for pro bono specialty care. ODHC learned lack of patient education has high costs; it uses evidence based health care services stressing health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, collaboration and patient/community education. ODHC has served this community for 20 years, providing free primary healthcare to low income vulnerable residents. Partnerships provide patients with specialty and tertiary healthcare as well as other needed services. ODHC services have positively impacted the health of the uninsured poor and much is due to our collaborators and donors trust and investment.
The current pandemic has affected our patients and their families in a disproportionate manner. Our clinic has been a lifeline for them and provided health services and support. The number of applicants has increased making our services' need even more critical.
To provide free primary healthcare, diagnostic and educational services to adults, children and teens in a caring, compassionate teaching environment through collaboration.
Organization name
Open Door Health Center, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
151NW 11 St. Suite E202A PO Box 901642