Operation Healing Forces

A nonprofit organization

More than 240 SOF couples attended 50 therapeutic retreats in locations across the United States and the Caribbean in 2021, with 52 retreats on schedule for 2022. These resilience-based retreats offer SOF couples the opportunity to reconnect with one another and to build connections with other individuals who understand the unique challenges associated with service in the special operations forces - including multiple combat deployments and high-intensity training missions, as well as feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety which often plague these couples as a result of their service and sacrifices.

Four caregiver resilience retreats were held in 2021, with four more scheduled for 2022. These retreats provide caregivers of wounded SOF warriors the opportunity to experience respite away from the daily stressors associated with their caregiving duties, while also helping empower them through the creation of a network of other caregivers and resources.

The Special Operations Additional Resources (SOAR) Immediate Needs Program (INP) provides direct crisis support to Special Operations Forces (SOF) and their families.

INP covers travel and expenses related to medical emergencies for SOF service members, veterans, and their families; medical and adaptive equipment not covered by government means; funeral and memorials costs are not covered by government means, including family travel; relief or respite care for full-time caregivers; and, one-time financial assistance related to transition or employment opportunities, including travel.

The program also provides funding for crisis support for families, including emergency financial support such as rent, electricity, food, and other essential living costs. Over the course of 2021, OHF completed a total of 489 requests serving 1,917 SOF family members through a total of nearly $700K worth of assistance paid directly to SOF families in need.


Operation Healing Forces (OHF) serves the needs of active-duty and veteran wounded, ill, injured, and Fallen Special Operations Forces (SOF) service members and their families through no-cost therapeutic retreats and financial grants which provide aid and comfort in times of crisis and hardship. These programs have proven to be critical in bolstering the physical, mental, emotional, and fiscal well-being of our nation's SOF heroes and their families.

Since its inception in 2011, OHF has served thousands of America's SOF warriors and family members. OHF's Board of Directors including Founder and Board of Directors Chairperson, Gary Markel, along with his brother and board Vice-Chairperson Tony Markel, cover 100% of the organization's overhead and administrative costs. This commitment allows OHF the unique opportunity to ensure that every dollar donated goes directly to funding programs that support our nation's heroes and their families.

Organization Data


Organization name

Operation Healing Forces

Tax id (EIN)



5100 W Kennedy Blvd Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33609



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