Organization name
New Canon Chamber Collective
Tax id (EIN)
6161 NW 22nd AveMIami, FL 33142
$1,075 raised by 14 donors
22% complete
$5,000 Goal
New Canon Chamber Collective (NCCC) speaks to an urgency in the field to provide greater diversity, inclusion and equity for musicians and our audiences locally. NCCC is community centered and believes on forging genuine partnerships with other local arts organizations in underserved communities. NCCC is artist centered and believes in supporting opportunities for professional local performing artists to join the collective who have been marginalized and overlooked by predominately White organizations.
New Canon Chamber Collective envisions a local South Florida where equitable performance, hiring and funding opportunities are afforded to Black and Brown composers in orchestral music. By amplifying and empowering the voices of Black and Brown artists and composers, we empower the field of classical music to be more reflective of the rich diversity in our communities. This contribution will not only evolve the canon for our immediate community but serve the entire field while empowering underrepresented artists.
We are intentional--conscionable about the way we collaborate and program our concerts. We are heavily rooted in our community and partner with local arts organizations already doing great work. Our members reflect the makeup of South Florida, and our organization is led by a Black woman. We believe that all of these combined lived experiences allow us to have a very unique insight into ways of dismantling harmful, exclusive, elitist spaces built around orchestral music. We believe that creating a space for Black and Brown people to see themselves reflected in classical music opens another door of possibility and pride in one's cultural identity and makes our community stronger as a whole. We believe that students who are exposed to our work will feel seen and imagine themselves outside of the stereotypes and barriers placed put on them by a system designed to marginalize them.
New Canon Chamber Collective prioritizes amplifying the voices of black and other musicians and composers of color to educate our audiences and communities about the full range of musical contributions of all races of people---building bridges of connection that foster spaces where people feel like they are seen, heard and belong, especially in classical music. The work that we do is community focused to our core--from giving voice and equitable pay to Black and Brown classical music artist and composers, providing quality educational programing, to connecting with community arts organizations, increasing access. New Canon in not constrained to the image of what a "traditional" chamber music ensemble is supposed to look like.
Organization name
New Canon Chamber Collective
Tax id (EIN)
6161 NW 22nd Ave