National Council of Negro Women, Inc. - Metropolitan Dade County Section

A nonprofit organization

17% complete

$4,500 Goal

The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. - Metropolitan Dade County Section, a community-based section, was chartered on January 21, 1990, under the leadership of Dr. Ann McRae. This Section has been active in improving the lives of Miami-Dade County citizens. In 2017, the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. - Metropolitan Dade County Section created the Nancy S. Dawkins Humanitarian Scholarship Fund to provide financial relief for students who want to attend a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). In 2019, the inaugural $1,500 scholarship was presented to one graduating senior attending a high school in Miami-Dade County. As of today, five students have been awarded. The 2019 recipient graduated from Florida A&M University. The 2020 recipient is a senior at Clark Atlanta University majoring in Political Science. The 2021 recipient is a senior at Florida A&M University majoring in Pharmacy. The 2022 recipient is a junior at Florida A&M University majoring in Business. The 2023 recipient is a sophomore at North Carolina A&T University majoring in Psychology.  The 2024 recipient, Jenesis Dupree, is a freshman at Florida A&M University. 

The Metropolitan Dade County Section of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. coordinated a youth literacy workshop; coordinated Level Up HCBU College Experience for students to speak with college representatives and obtain college admissions, housing, financial aid, and scholarship information. This section partnered with Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. - Miami Chapter on a mental health symposium. In providing COVID awareness, we collaborated with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) care kits for Good Health WINS; conduct a panel discussion on how educators are coping with new realities of COVID-19 in the classroom and beyond; issued PPE care kits to educators; and partnered in COVID 19 Myths and Misconceptions webinar. The section hosted "A Seat at the Table" panel discussion on how African American women can have a seat at the political table, and attended Pumps, Pearls and Politics event. 

Annually, we participate in the Breast Cancer Walk & Run (also known as the More Than Pink 5K Awareness Walk) hosted by Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and "No More Broken Hearts", a domestic violence activity, and support Black businesses. Metropolitan Dade County Section mentors middle and high school senior students and provides financial assistance to the Section's high school graduating seniors. During the holiday season, we donate canned goods and other non-perishable items to Kristi House, thanksgiving items to families, and toys to children and youths. 

The Metropolitan Dade County Section serves as a liaison and assists NCNW collegiate sections (Florida International University and University of Miami) including attending their events and providing guidance. The section also supports the activities of the Florida State Coalition of NCNW.

We promote NCNW National events for the public and Section members to participate, such as affordable healthcare, student loan debt, mental health, COVID-19 and maternal health, Good Health WINS facts and myths, millennial entrepreneurs, and discrimination and violence against women and girls. Members attend Community of Practice monthly meetings hosted by Good Health WINs and the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. to obtain valuable information and learn about other Good Heath WINs activities from partnering organizations to include the Divine 9 in the United States. In the past few months, members attended National training in compliance and finance, bylaws, social justice, and programs to elevate our work. 

The Metropolitan Dade County Section collaborates with other organizations in serving the residents in Miami-Dade County. These organizations include Delta Research and Education Foundation (DREF) and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Annually Section drives are held to recruit individuals and reclaim members. 

Recently , we participated in the ASAP Day Anniversary hosted by Advancing Sickle Cell Advocacy Project, Inc., Health Day & Farm Share with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Inaugural Community Health & Resources Fair, and Miami Gardens Clean-up. The section conducted a financial & estate planning workshop, attended a Day at the School Board, and participated in voter registration events. Lastly, we conduct membership drives to recruit individuals and reclaim members.

Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was a prominent educator, civil rights activist, and founder of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. She also founded Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute in 1904, which later became Bethune-Cookman College and now Bethune-Cookman University. The Metropolitan Dade County Section is proud to provide financial assistance to high school students to further their educational goals. In closing with the words of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, "Enter to Learn; Depart to Serve". 


The National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) is an "organization of organizations" comprised of 330 campus and community-based sections and 33 national women's organizations that enlightens, inspires and connects more than 2,000,000 women and men. Its mission is to lead, advocate for, and empower women of African descent, their families, and communities. It was founded on December 5, 1935, by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, an influential educator and activist and more than fifty years, the iconic Dr. Dorothy Height was president of NCNW.

Today, the NCNW programs are grounded on a foundation of critical concerns that are now "NCNW Priorities". Our organization promotes education; encourages entrepreneurship, financial literacy and economic stability; educates women about health and promotes healthcare access; and promotes civic engagement and advocates for sound public policy and social justice.

The four programs of the National Council of Negro Women are economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, social justice, healthy equity, and S.T.E.A.M. and education.

An important aspect of the NCNW mission is to empower women of African descent, their families, and communities. One of the ways that we do this is by presenting information that is designed to help women and their families achieve their economic and financial aspirations.

The mission of the National NCNW Social Justice Committee is to provide a framework for local sections to promote civic engagement in our communities, and advance public policy that improves the conditions of women and families of African descent.

The National NCNW Health Equity Committee focuses on six health targets: Affordable Health Care, Breast Cancer COVID-19, Mental Health, and HIV/AIDS. This committee works closely with the Good Health WINs initiative.

NCNW seeks to establish a more comprehensive, integrated response to the need for science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics education for communities of color. In recognition of the fact that economic stability and career opportunities are enhanced by familiarity with STEAM, NCNW believes it is important to cooperatively plan for and implement measures that will provide greater awareness of STEAM careers and greater access to the paths to those careers. NCNW has established partnerships with a variety of organizations committed to promoting interest in STEAM, access to STEAM education, awareness of careers in technology and equal opportunity in education, employment, and business formation.

For more information, please visit or NCNW's social channels via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Organization Data


Organization name

National Council of Negro Women, Inc. - Metropolitan Dade County Section

Tax id (EIN)



P. O. Box 530464
Miami Shores, FL 33153