Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
19800 SW 87th AvenueCutler Bay, FL 33157
We took 60+ volunteers and collaborated with The Original Yellow Wiggle to make a music video about using an AED (external defibrillator). Now it's effectively and entertainingly educating people in our community trainings. We want to get it out to more school children, along with our activity book, to really unleash the next generation of life savers.
We're launching a campaign for equity because currently women and minorities are far less likely to survive a cardiac event due to a lack of needed bystander interventions.
We're constantly, and convincingly, advocating for public measures because over 50 children a day in the US alone die unnecessarily from an undiagnosed cardiac condition. We keep getting closer to making Miami-Dade the most HeartCharged community in the world.
We've created a community of support for fellow patients. We utilize meet-up's, messaging, care packages, and social media.
And we do this as survivors ourselves, two sisters with a chronic cardiac condition and implanted defibrillators. We are very grateful and certainly not ashamed. We hope that gratitude and body-positive mindset will permeate our community. We need people to realize bodies can be flawed and medical intercessions may be necessary. We need true acceptance of others, including surgery scars and bionic bulges.
Our hearts are physically large (which is why we're facing transplants and often avoid stairs though we're in our 20's). We hope your heart will be large in only the giving way and that you will help us save lives and support survivors as we work for Miami to Get HeartCharged.
Overcoming inequities to end preventable deaths from sudden cardiac arrest despite gender or ethnicity.
Unleashing an army of young life-savers through assemblies and age-appropriate messaging and materials.
Spreading awareness through original content, interviews, articles, and documentaries aimed at inclusion.
Providing CPR training, informing the public on warning signs, and arranging AED donations.
Organizing advocacy for heart screenings to find the 1 in 300 youth with an undiagnosed heart condition and school and community safety.
Providing patient-to-patient support through communication, meet-up's, care packages, and honestly sharing life with an invisible disability due to a chronic heart condition.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
19800 SW 87th Avenue