Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum

A nonprofit organization

$10,919 raised by 87 donors

44% complete

$25,000 Goal

The museum serves as a unique and active safe-space for community workshops around implicit bias training, learning how community policing works, and the home-base for Girl Scout Troop 1877. 

We tell the stories and offer learning opportunities of Black people who promoted equality for all. Our historic space has been rented for special events, films, documentaries, music videos, weddings, receptions, and regular community meetings. We help to share the difficult stories of a Jim Crow era with a connection to a better tomorrow.

Giving Activity


This museum's mission is to acquire, preserve, display, and promote collections of a historical nature that will be of educational value to the preservation of African American history as it relates to the struggles and accomplishments of Black Police Officers in the Overtown neighborhood and across the globe, as they served during the pre-Civil Rights era of the 1940s, '50s, and '60s.

Organization Data


Organization name

Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum

Tax id (EIN)



480 NW 11th Street
Miami, FL 33136



Social Media